Sunday 17 July 2011

The return of Henry,part two

Tuesday morning,about 10.30am Henry flew off,Jean had been in the garden with him,she came inside,when she returned he was gone.Last time he went awol it was an unissued 24 hour pass,which he extended some but was back within a day or so.

This second away from home trip was different,very different and after three and a half days we accepted that he had gone to find a mate of his own kind?

Then yesterday around 5pm I opened the front door and there he was,he more or less staggered in,back from the Namib Desert perhaps,for sure he had been in the wars,just look at his poor head.
Henry then ate seed for a whole half hour,then as is his norm,jumped down onto the floor and walked down the passage way to his room,then went to bed on his perch.

Welcome home Henry!

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