Friday 1 March 2013

Anchor warp stowage

How much is too much, this will depend on the size of boat and also the stowage space you have?

Cleaning out a locker where I had some deep water anchor lines stowed, I saw that the space taken and the mess of the coil could be better used if I made a decent job of the way I coiled the line up?

I thought to air the line out, then lay it along the marina walk way to measure it. The line when laid the length of the walkway was around 55 meters in length. It was last used in a deep water anchorage in Venezuela but also in St Helena and Brasil, such a line comes into its own when its too deep for your anchor chain.

I was about to start coiling it up using my hand, when Athol from yacht Jenal suggested a drum to roll it around? Great idea but I had no such thing, next moment Athol was off to his boat and on returning hands me a suitable drum!

I  was pleased to try and really did have my doubts that a line 55 meters long and 16mm in diameter will coil around such a small diameter coil? As it turned out I could get another 5 meters on it quite easily. Of course rolling up was a mission and really a dedicated drum with a center spindle is required. In this case I am just happy to be able to stow the line properly coiled and ready for its next use.

Great things happen on the Hout Bay marina!



Note, the anchor used with this line was a genuine forged 10kg Bruce with an 8 meter length of 10mm short link chain, this I found was easy to handle and set and stayed set with no bothers at all. The boat in question was a loaded Endurance 37, so about 10 tons in all?