Friday 2 December 2011

Canon MP560 Pixma low ink warning light

The Canon MP560 is a very nice scanner and printer,it does colour prints to A4 as a pro finish,if you can afford the cost of the ink pods that is.

Recently the lack of black ink in the main ink pod that serves for normal letter printing became empty.
That brought on an orange (red?) warning light which was advising of this situation.
With a spare Canon printer hooked up,that resolved the ink issue but then left me with a printer/scanner that would not scan,the default was the lack of ink and the warning light just stopped any other function.

So how do we disable the warning light on the Canon MP560,its in the user manual of course but takes a while to find,see the red button to the right hand side,you keep that pressed down for at least five seconds,the low ink light will then go off and you can use the scanner function then.

Warning,Canon will accept no damages to the printer head should you try and use the printer in this mode.

Tell me why are new ink pods so expensive?

How easy can it be to sell them cheaper?


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