Monday 13 August 2012

Solvesta, the book by Colin Davies

Possibly this is a cruising guide after all, having just read the last few chapters and before that sailed up the East coast of Austrailia, where day after day, Collin was making some on the spot decisions to stay or go, could he make the Torres Straight at exactly the right stage of the tide? Would he make it through The Hole In the Wall cut at Gugari Rip in the islands West of the Arafura Sea, Pacific Ocean and above Australias Northern Territory?

 I find it to be a great read and a for sure this book, while in effect being Collins personal diary of his trip, surely is a must have volume for anyone considering the same voyage.

For a change I am doing a book revue myself, this means I have to read the entire volume of course, at 149 pages its quite a read! From my side I do at least have first hand information on the route as far as Venezuela, so my ability to judge and pass comment on Colins story can be based as far as the mainland after Margerita Island.

Thats Colin behind the TBA history and John who is Colins printer behind the Solvesta book.
Both are quality productions and well worth the price. In fact a situation on Solvesta when she left FBYC will be worth the cost of the book, the wrong spinnaker poles ends failed so early on that they bent the pole and wrecked the ends.

From Colins first page introduction:

Many people have found themselves, like me set adrift in middle age. My wife Carol had died and my two sons, Andy and Nick, Emigrated, so I found myself in Cape Town, faced with the dismal prospect of working alone for the foreseeable future just to pay for a house, car, TV fact, just to exist!


I am still reading and passed Panama and Galapagos just yesterday!

How good can this be.


Late monday, having sailed the Pacific, a visit to New Zealand , I am now in Australia.

Is this book a good read? well Its sure writen as it happens, mistakes and all, Colin keeps saying he was happy doing a little as possible but to me he did so much! The book is not in any way intended to be  a cruising guide, it is full of chartlets and pictures, more for a general guidence to the reader than anything else.

You may be very hard pressed to find a better and more up to date sort travel book the circles the globe, Cape Town to Cape Town. For myself I found it was just asking me to get out the BA charts of the areas that Solvesta went to, only then will you see where he went and why.

The trip back to South Africa comes next!
