Following the trip I made to Brasil,Guyana,Surinam,then Trinidad and Tobago,I later went back to Guyana on a timber fact finding mission,it was an eye opener at the time.One saw mill was able to offer me hand squared logs of Greenhart in 60 ft lengths,thats about 18.3 mtrs long,he reasoned,the logs are up to 90ft so,supply in 60ft will be no problem!I also found out that Prince Charles was given a Greenhart Fishing Rod,he used it in Scotland?
This Gothic cathedral holds the distinction of being the tallest timber church in the world standing at 43.6 m.(143 feet tall). The cathedral was built between 1877 and 1892. Its foundation stone was laid on 21 November, 1889 and it was consecrated on the 50th Anniversary of the Bishop on St. Bartholomew�s Day, August 24, 1892.
At a cost of $160,000.00 this cathedral was designed by Mr. Arthur Blomfield of Montague Square, London. The church was opened on 26 March, 1893. Constructed from greenheart and English oak, the original edifice had an Elizabethan look before its studs and bracing were covered with greenheart siding. On account of the excess weight placed on the building's foundation the greenheart sidings were removed.
The church has a beautiful wrought-iron chancel screen, rose window and stained glass panels on the eastern side of the building. This cathedral is the fourth building constructed by the Anglican Diocese in Guyana. It is built in the shape of a cruciform of greenheart wood. The nave and roofs are sustained by iron columns in Gothic style reminiscent of the cathedrals in London.