Friday, 29 July 2016

Watson & Co garage in Liverpool

This picture was found on the web site ' Liverpool Picture Book '  my thanks for them posting it.

The last time I was in that garage I think my grandad was still alive, he was the general manager then.

 Click on the image to enlarge it.

My grandads name was Fred Ford, Watson & Son were Morris sales and service agents.

Was I about twelve when I was last there?

I was being primed to become a Morris mechanic, under the watchful eyes of my grandad I guess it was a good plan. I had no plans to get my hands dirty and became a joiner in the end.

Grandad passed away around that time and from TB, a terrible waste of a great man.

1929 Rolls Royce 20hp Watsons of Liverpool Tourer for sale for £62,000 by Vintage & Prestige Automobiles Ltd, Essex

The stunning 1929 car had its main body fitted by the company which was founded by Liverpool-born racing driver and motoring pioneer, William Watson.

Operating out of Renshaw Street in the city centre, Watson became one of the first Rolls Royce agents in 1908 after testing the Silver Ghost Rolls Royce the previous year and being impressed with its quietness and performance.

As the firm grew, Watsons of Liverpool became one of the leading companies which built tailor-made bodies for Rolls Royce and Morris chassis and eventually Jaguar in 1930.

Watson even extended his skills to help with the war effort during both world wars.
During World War I, Watson manufactured shell cases and aeroplane propellers and repaired fighter aircraft during World War II.

The 1929 Rolls Royce was repatriated to the UK after spending much of its life in a California museum.

Amazingly the car is in a virtually original state, with the same plum-coloured paint that was painted on it in the 1920s and the original UK registration number.

Now its owner is offering someone else the chance to feel the wind in their hair as they cruise around in the vintage set of wheels.

If you’ve got a spare £62,000 to spare then it could be you sitting in the driving seat.

The history of William Watson!


Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Dabchick dinghy news update

In June 2016 we were asked to build a Dabchick, this of course would be a CNC kit built boat.

As it turned out nothing happened but today we have been asked about the supply of a good number of them and for a yacht club ?

If anyone is thinking along the same lines please make contact with me so we can discuss the idea and the way forward.


The Dabchick dinghy as a kit?

The Dabchick dinghy is mentioned in the April copy of Sailing (SA) magazine.

We have been asked to consider building one and if that was to happen we would produce a Dabchick kit.

The design is coming up for sixty years old now and depending who you ask has seen some 3000 to 5000 built to date.

Please contact me for more information on a kit.

There is lots more info on the Dabchick design in the link

Thanks to Mossel Bay Yacht Club for all these pics,
and to Tracy London for bringing them to my attention!
From the SA Yacht Blog, please view it and see the other pictures.

PART 1                                                      INTRODUCTION
In the year 1955 the prototype of the Dabchick was designed by Mr Jack Koper of Cape Town.  He studied the Sailfish, an American designed 'skimmer', but  arrived at the conclusion that she was unsuitable.  He then worked on a plan  to make a flat bottomed boat out of three sheets of plywood and this became  the basis of his thinking and design.  Knowing that plywood is not easy to  bend or twist the rounded bow was adopted, and so the Dabchick was slowly  planned - much of it during sleepless hours in bed.

The first boat was narrower in the beam and had a more rounded bow and a curved transom.  This design proved rather a headache for youngsters to make.  After a season's sailing where she proved herself, a small jib was added and  this improved her performance.  The designer went to work on improving the  design.  There was enough plywood to increase the beam, the bow was widened and a genoa-type jib added. The plans were first published in June 1956.

The growth of the Dabchick was phenomenal and over 3 600 plans have been  issued to prospective builders.  The boats are normally constructed of wood but G.R.P. boats are also available.

The designer handled the class single-handed until the 1st February, 1970,  when the South African Yacht Racing Association agreed to the formation of an Association to be known as the Dabchick Association of SA ( DASA. ) to promote the development of the class, the training of its members, and to  ensure that the boats comply with the rules of the class as approved by the Council of the South African Yacht Racing Association.  A Constitution was drawn up and approved by the members on the 6th January 1971, and the Dabchick was given National Status by the National Authority.

Eric Burner, commonly known as "Father Dabchick" was the first person behind the formation of the National Dabchick Class Association in 1970 and through his efforts it soon became a South African National Class.

The Dabchick has proved herself over the years to be an excellent trainer for the young of both sexes between the ages of seven and eighteen years. The Dabchick can be sailed single-handed or with a crew.

The Dabchick has helped young people to learn how to sail. A number of them have shown top form in senior classes, obtaining the award of National colours.

Since 1985 the Class Secretariat has been administered first by the South African Yacht Racing Association and from 2002 by South African Sailing.

Monday, 25 July 2016

Car licence plate for Mozambique in 1975?

Mozambique in 1975 may be incorrect but it will be a fair start?

I am trying to find out which town or city and in which province the number plate MLH-27-23 belongs to?

The picture was taken in a Johannesburg police pound prior to an auction when the 1967 Hillman Imp Californian was sold. The date is not known but circa 1980/82 as the car was then licenced on the Transvaal roads by the new owner in 1982.

It is known that M is for Mozambique and the next two letters for the town or city that licenced the car, which town is that?

A further clue may be the red tax disc on the windscreen, does the red disc denote a month?

The car as it is today.
