Rand values have declined,so the import cost rise to marine plywoods has seen the local prices increase,still its still the best value for money when building boats is concerned.
Plywood,BS 1088 Ockume marine grade. Hull and decks
Divide by R8.05 to get a U$ value Pack and shipping not included.
This Didi Mini Transat was built at CKD Boats cc,the first of two followed by a Didi 26 all in the same year.
Todays Didi Mini Transat ply prices are as below:
The base plywood kit is as follows,it includes the interior of the boat,being the bunks and the ballast water tanks,all CNC cut and ready to fit.
7 x 4mm
16 x 6mm
15x 9mm
2x 12mm
2 x 6mm
2x 9mm
CNC work on 37 sheets,plus the cost to the 44 sheets of plys............................................R39,404
Epoxy x 40 kgs.....................................................................................................................7,400
The plans cost U$600,which when purchased with one of our kits,we will pass a discount of 15% on the plans.