They built the new club close to the beach, what remains of the original club is under the sand behind the car.
A Roy McBride image.
The car is a 1967 Singer Chamois ( Hillman Imp based) with a sport engine conversion.
What happened to the HBYC? well we had one of the best beach sailing clubs in the cape, then the CSIR came and proposed that some tuffts of sea grass could be planted on the beach to try and have the area become more natural.
The HBYC were asked to give their permission which they did, that turned out to be one very big mistake and bit by bit the sand dunes grew, so much so that the once perfect sea views from the clubs ground floor vanished.
Sorry end to a once fine beach sailing club.
July 2012
HBYC still exists, as we moved to a site inside the harbour!