We recently had a request to do a price on a multihull that is new to us,its Bernd Kohler's very smart and neat KD860 design,thats only 28 feet 2 3/4 inches by the way,while the boat may be seen to be small,its actually quite large inside,it has two double beds,two heads,one galley and even a chart station,plus an inside lounge area and a very spacious cockpit.Its economical on engines too,just two 6hp outboards,Bernd asks that we use four strokes engines,I agree,while they may cost more they are so much more fuel efficient and the carbon emission on modern four stroke out boards is a fraction of two stokes engines.
Bernd supplies a really detailed Study Package file on the boat,it can be supplied by email very easily,we will use the materials list he supplies to do a kit price,this will be next week and will include all the plys,wood,epoxies,CNC pre cutting to the Bulkheads and Bridge Deck,contact me for information.Photos of the boat in the water and being built are available too.
News Flash! We now have the boat priced as a kit and as a trial indicator,we have also asked our shippers to prepare a cost to the USA,east coast,email me for any information at kits@ckdboats.com
Bernd supplies a really detailed Study Package file on the boat,it can be supplied by email very easily,we will use the materials list he supplies to do a kit price,this will be next week and will include all the plys,wood,epoxies,CNC pre cutting to the Bulkheads and Bridge Deck,contact me for information.Photos of the boat in the water and being built are available too.
News Flash! We now have the boat priced as a kit and as a trial indicator,we have also asked our shippers to prepare a cost to the USA,east coast,email me for any information at kits@ckdboats.com