Baby Seal,a design by Manie
I very rarely check out forums,time says I am busy enough doing my daily orders and of course these bloger pages but by a total coincidence,I have just found this on a forum called www.boatdesign.net,its a shear fluke that I received an order from him and posted some more epoxy off to Manie today!
Manie wrote,
Last year when i was shopping around for plywood i was shocked at the prices of "normal" plywood sold at our local builders supply mega stores. One would assume that their prices would be cheap - WRONG.
I bought my marine grade plywood WBP from
http://www.ckdboats.com/plywood.asp cheaper than at ANY builders supply, and that was including shipping costs!
They supply kits worldwide, so check them out, you may be surprised at what prices they could supply - even to Mexico. Epoxy from ckdboats is easy to work with, incredibilly strong and you can build a damn fine boat.
One thing that i always advise is, dont design yourself - BUY A PLAN you will only understand when you have made the mistake of building your own design first time out. If you are a keen worker and have the time to experiment, and throw your experiments away, go ahead and draw your own plans.