Friday, 6 November 2015

Dragon Boat class paddles

We made hundreds of these to the original Dragon Boat class sizes and rules.

This one is a little damaged from the heat of battle!

Made from Honduras Red Cedar (mexicana roem) they were well within the class rules weight and made to suit the overall dimensions.

Made down to a price rather than up to a super finish and top class quality, they were probably closer to the original class rule ideas?

More can be made given a suitable order.

Shipping is no problem, these can be posted too.


We have two reconditioned ones for sale, the blades have been reinforced with GRP.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

How we pack our kit orders

This can be done in a number of ways but most export kits will be packed in a suitable wooden crate.

Shown here is an Optimist that will soon be on its way by air to Zurich in Switzerland, the crate just needs the lid fitting .

Many years back we invested in the top quality steel banding tools you can see in this picture, the tool closest to the camera was imported from the USA.

With the Optimist kit secure in its steel banded crate we are now ready for collection.

This Optimist was made from one of our CNC cut kits, we supplied the North Sails sail and also the air bag floats inside the boat.

Monday, 2 November 2015

British Seagull outboard restoration

This we can offer and world wide, what we can do is make the engine look as near to new again as possible.

New parts are imported from a genuine British Seagull parts seller.

Click on the images to enlarge them

This one came in today for an idea of a quote, its only here while the estimate is prepared.

What will it look like when its finished?

This came in looking very very sorry for itself, it was taken apart as far as it was possible without stripping the motor, which is also a job we can undertake.


Optimist dinghy kit

The Optimist dinghy kit needs to be understood as the later wood/epoxy design and not the very early wood design which was far more complicated to assemble.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Please note we have changed our address and phone number since we printed the flyer.

The web address remains and you will find a section for the Optimist dinghy there.

We can ship to most places, the kit in the pictures below leaves for Zurich, Switzerland in the morning.

This is our builders jig, its free when you order six kits.

The items are stacked like a deck of cards.

The wood is supplied as an extra, the fumed silica, micro balloons and glass tape are part of the kit.

The booklet is a painting guide by International Paints, that is free.

The silica and micro balloons are mixed around 50/50 to make a filler paste and bog to do fillets in the corners of the boat, we can supply the epoxy to use with the filler but only when shipped by sea.
The glass tape is the jointing tape to hold the bottom panel to the side, front and back panels.
