As mentioned before, most prices based on internationally purchased materials,have now increased,we have moved this to a rise on our price list of just 7.5% for now,as the factories annual rent went up 10% as it does each year and fuel many times more than that in our country over the past year,I am not sure how long we can keep to such a low increase? With this being a global force,I doubt we will see others not having to do the same.
Top selling brands,our 'Superform' bendable ply,continues to impress the local market with its flexability and quality,it is a fully CE branded panel,this is not marked on the actual ply panel but is marked on the packing crate,which is quite an acceptable practice,ensure that you can find the genuine (it's waterproof) 'Superform' panel in your area by making contact,we can then tell you where to find our distributor in your area,some areas are vacant,any established board sales companies, that feel they can market our panels,please contact me on 021 510-7206 or kits@comlumber.com .
Chinese marine plys to the BS1088 standard have continued to impress both myself and customers alike,they carry a stamp but no certificate but are made to the same standard as our french plys,both are in Ockume veneers and use the same glue line,please ask for any specific information on either ply panels,both are readily available.
Epoxies? a subject that continues to open debate,why are our epoxies so low priced is one question? the easy reply to which is we buy in bulk and decant to smaller pack sizes ourselves,we also recycle plastic milk bottles as suitable containers and find this goes down very well with customers.Each container is first cleaned and then sterilized, then dried properly before refilling with epoxy or cure agents,at least this way we get to use that throw away plastic container at least twice! we also offer no fancy (costly) pump pots,we ask you use a set of scales,normally to be found in any home,or purchased at a low price from most discount stores.
Other reasons,well we use what we sell and have done so for a very long time,this is on our own boats not just a customers,from an Optimist kit to a www.dixdesign.com Dix 43,that particular boat is now some ten years old,its been in the water some eight years come next month and prooves the system works.You can spend more on other systems but why? we also find each year that we are asked to explain the end use of other system epoxies to those who have bought elsewhere,normally as the shop selling it has no hands on use in what they sell.To our customers, advise goes from preperation of the plywood/timbers ,then right through to the application of the twin pack top coat paints too,we supply those too!
Sunday, 16 December 2007
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