Saturday, 4 April 2020

Lucky Fish Wharram 38 kit

When I first met with Dan he was wanting planed timber to use on his new Wharram Tkki 38 build.

Little did I know then that the build would be done so well and that Lucky Fish as he named the boat would become one the the best built Tikki 38 boats out there.

Recently I have re costed the okcoume marine plywoods that we also supplied, those plywoods were then CNC cut to shapes and sizes as Dan required and we ended up with a 55 plywood sheet kit.

The plywood we use is imported from France and is top quality.

It includes 41 sheets of 9mm , 9 sheets of 12mm and 5 sheets of 18mm thick plys, the sheet size is 2500mm x 1220mm.

CNC cutting includes the Lower and upper bulkheads,  Lower and Upper hull panels, Cross beams, Mast beam, Engine well, Stems, Beam trough hull doublers.

The cost ex works Cape Town, South Africa is R181,240 or U$9550 subject to R.O.E at the time of order.

We can ship Worldwide to those who have paid for their plans.
