with those two CNC cut location holes cut at the same time as we cut the scarphs,its just a simple job to tap home the beech hardwood fluted dowels we provide with our kit,tap the dowels home,and the joint lines up exactly!the joint above is on a bulkhead of a Cape Cutter 19 design we supplied by Dudley Dix at www.dixdesign.com the rest of the pictures are of various Didi Mini Transat kit we have supplied.
We use the scarph type joint when we want to save materials on the plywood sheets,normally on bulkheads,on the Didi Mini Transat by
Applying resorcinol adhesive to the scarphs when assembling a bulkhead. Note the holes for locating dowels used to align the components very accurately. The holes are formed by the CNC machine as part of the cutting operation.This bulkhead is at the aft end of the cockpit where it becomes the aft deck. The two scarph pieces shown are not from the same joint. The piece on the left is the cockpit beam and has a similar scarph at the other end that mates with the part on the right. Roy is assembling the two joints at the same time.
A completed scarph joint after final sanding. The two locating dowels can be clearly seen. This method produces neat and accurate scarph joints very quickly.