The S&S (Sparkman and Stephens) 34, a classic design from the famous Sparkman & Stephens, it is known firstly for its seaworthiness, toughness and track record. It is a boat capable of consistent speeds and one that Jessica can easily handle.
Big hello planned for Jess Watson by Glenis Green From: The Courier-Mail May 11, 2010
ELLAS PINK LADY: Jessica Watson. Picture: AFP Source: Herald Sun
THE Sunshine Coast will blush pink in a joyful homecoming celebration for around-the-world solo sailor Jessica Watson.
While Sydney is planning a $1 million extravaganza - on par with its New Year's Eve bash - for the moment the teen officially completes her circumnavigation this Saturday, her home port of Mooloolaba also wants to do its famous daughter proud.
The Sunshine Coast Regional Council has offered to host a civic reception, but an informal community celebration could reflect the thrill supporters and family feel about the 16-year-old's remarkable achievement.
"The intention is for the whole of the Sunshine Coast to acknowledge what a wonderful job Jessica has done and welcome her home," said Mooloolaba boating identity Vicki Brown yesterday. A tentative date of June 6 has been set for the welcome
"We're going to get her to sail Ella's Pink Lady through the rock wall at Mooloolaba (harbour) and we're hoping to have both sides of the rock wall lined with as many people as possible wearing pink or waving pink flags," Mrs Brown said.
Accompanied by a flotilla of local boaties and a water police escort, Jessica would then sail to the Mooloolaba Yacht Club for an official welcome.
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Metal boats in sea water

Note: UHP has the ability to remove the paints but importantly does not 'polish' the original grit blast surface off the steel.
The pictures show a steel box keel being UHP water blasted clean,thats totally clean of all paints applied over an eleven year period,from the original Intergard primer to its tie coat and antifouls over the period.Its easy to see the paint degrade on the side of the keel but why was this happening,it was fine when last hauled but I think the alarm bells were ringing then.
There was never any doubt about the manufacturing process of the steel work itself and having the etch primer applied after grit blasting by proffessionals,ensured that side was ok too,so what happened? My thoughts work around two possibles,both may be connected too,does Hout Bay Harbour have a high electric charge in its water and as the bottom of the keel could never be inspected,what was going on down there,basically we do not know,the problem with a slip on rails being you sit on blocks of wood,often quite close together,the boat had only ever been hauled on that type of slip,if rust had of started we would not know and if this is the case,that will be the start of the degrade in the paints as can be seen?
A boat that was steel built and kept on the HBYC Marina and left untouched for five years was eventually slipped,the owner and builder told me he was both happy and amazed that the annodes were still working and no degrade in the hull was to be found.He repainted,changed the annodes and went back to the marina,nine months later the boat,they were living on it,was found to be leaking so badly it was in danger of sinking and had to be craned out and taken to the hard,it needed a lot of new metal welding in.Why,what was going on? I have to assume some sort of galvanic process was taking place,the extension to the harbour wall was in progess then,lots of heavy welding was taking place in the ,did they have earth straps into the sea water? the other points are the possbles of being grounded to a shore supply,never ground the boat at all,the shore supply can be the only earth you need and when you do use a battery charger,which will ground the boats 12v supply and engine,use a Galvanic Isolator,your boat could become the main annode on the marina otherwise?
One last point is the pro diver I employ to check and service the prop shaft and its annode ,tells me its not uncommon for him when leaving the water and reaching up to the marina and its steel works,to recieve a shock,in this he is becoming a ground strap from the water to the marina,which has shore power and floats on plastic containers.
The boat has been haulded three times before this time,the last time it had been in the water was a period of three years since the time before,at each hauling the keel annode was checked and changed as a matter of course,after three years the large pear shaped annode was hardly touched.
The reason for this should be simple to explain but some other outside element may have been creeping in and unseen,I had the keel made proffesionally by S Products,I then had Nautilus Marine collect the keel (empty) and take it to their premises to be grit blasted and etch primed coated with International Paints Intergard Red Primer.Tim of International Paints had recomended this as the correct process.Later a tie coat,also by International Paints was applied prior to the application of antifouls.
In the next three years the boat was hauled either at Grainger Bay or at the RCYC,both places haul you on a railway type slip,which gives good access to all but the very bottom of the keel,this may later be an issue? at each removal from the water,anti fouls,annodes and the keel were checked closely,new antifoul being replaced on one haul.With new paints and annodes to both the keel and propellor shaft the boat was to be hauled next some three years later and at RCYC.
This was for antifouls,new annodes and as normal stripping and regrease of all bronze through hull fittings with water proof grease.This time it was noted that a small patch of paint had rusted to the steel just aft and above of the keel annode which is low down on the port side of the keel,it was also to be noted that some large patches of tie coats and antifouls were quite loose and could easily be scrapped off,leaving the Intergard primer looking like it was brand new.
This I think may have been noted more fully,why and after six years was there surface rust and patches of paint faling off down to the Intergard primer? The boat was fitted with a new keel annode and new antifouls,as before using International Paints products.It was to be some four years later after a diver told me my keel annode was none existant that we hauled again,I had always had the propellor annode serviced but with so little damage happening to the keel one,had not even considered that as a source of trouble.
To be continued:
Sunday, 9 May 2010
Nedbank,its raining fish TV advert
I was reading a newspaper story about this film clip,what a well done advert,the place was Picketberg,the reasoning was some see their chance to improove when others run for cover.
Hout Bay Marina about 1990
This was before the marina managers office was moved to the position on the left where the small yacht is at the bottom of the walkway.The Endurance 37 in front is Ocean Cloud,she had just done a return delivery trip from Trinidad with Simone and Nigel as crew.The boat to her right is Magic Minnie,she was about 46ft long and may be a Ron Holland or Bruce Far design,the moulds to her were laying at the head of the Ben Schoeman Dock in Cape Town for years,unsused and free.
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