It certainally looks that way, the Simonstown Naval Dock Yard has been made available for certain private users, thats great news and well done to the navy!
Hi All,
Thanks for all your replies.
Not too much progress on boat today today, as we are still finding our 'feet' .
Was worried about the wind, so threw a flippant remark about facilities towards the great guys at Armscor.
In 10 minutes the tractor was there and the doors started opening.......Have a look where we are now!
Now feeling even more under gunned!
There are a number of these fitting out sheds at the Simonstown Naval Dockyard, its great to see them being put to the use they were intended for.
All pictures supplied by Dan.
Well done on the build Dan and bravo to the SA Navy for allowing the use of the dockyard facilities!
CKD Boats cc can supply the Wharram Tiki 38 as a full or part kit ste.
Hi All,
Thanks for all your replies.
Not too much progress on boat today today, as we are still finding our 'feet' .
Was worried about the wind, so threw a flippant remark about facilities towards the great guys at Armscor.
In 10 minutes the tractor was there and the doors started opening.......Have a look where we are now!

The last time I was in this shed there was a Ton class mine sweeper in it, the planks having been removed . I was there to discuss the supply of African Mahogany to re plank the boat. The planks are special, 4.6 to 6 mtrs long, 9" in width and in 1" and 2" thicknesses. At the time I ran Commercial Lumber cc, we were said to be the only local timber company who had taken the time to visit the dockyard to discuss the various tenders.
From Maculata Gum wedges and side props, to mahogany planks for minsweepers, I went and dicussed each end use and asked about the specific tender. There was no preference in awarding tenders but at least when they were granted to Commercial Lumber cc, we could deliver to specification and on time.
All pictures supplied by Dan.
Well done on the build Dan and bravo to the SA Navy for allowing the use of the dockyard facilities!
CKD Boats cc can supply the Wharram Tiki 38 as a full or part kit ste.
Dry fitting continues.....