We have sold many of the Didi Mini Transat range,in fact the first ever CNC kit order we recieved, was for Didi Mini Transat number one,we have shipped them world wide and at this time we are about to pack an order for the Cruise version to Perth,Austrailia and next week we will be cutting and preparing another Didi Mini Cruise to be shipped to England.
Notes from the Dudley Dix web site:
Since we introduced the Didi Mini we have received repeated requests for a cruising version, particularly with shallow water capability. This variation is intended to satisfy that need.
Construction is the same as for the standard Didi Mini, with some cruiser-oriented modifications. First, we have transplanted the lifting keel of the Didi 26 trailer sailer into the hull. This keel has a glass covered hardwood foil and lead beavertail ballast bulb for efficiency. It is lifted with a tackle inside the box and a winch on the cabintop. The keel casing fits neatly between the two parts of the plywood double backbone in the saloon and stiffens the hull by tying the hull and deck together.
We have used the keel casing as a division to introduce an enclosed heads compartment just aft of the mast. This can be fitted with a Porta-Potti or a small marine toilet. A simplified version of the Didi Mini fixed keel is also included in the design package, for those who don't want the lifting keel feature and the limitations that it imposes on the interior of the boat. Those who do not want the enclosed heads can build the standard Didi Mini saloon or build a navigation station in this area.
Forward of the mast, the whole forecabin is turned into a large double berth, comfortable when at anchor. In the saloon, the settees double as quarter berths for sleeping at sea. We have added a box step across the interior between the settees, for stowage and as a battery location.
The cabin roof has been lifted by 100mm (4") to give a bit more headroom. It also allows the cabin structure to give better protection to the cockpit from waves that may come on board when sailing hard. The cockpit protection has been further improved by extending the cabin sides and roof aft to form a dodger over the forward end of the cockpit. To compensate for seat length lost to the longer cabin structure, the stepped aft deck has been replaced by a deck that continues to the transom on one level.
The deck layout is a fairly conventional 3-winch arrangement. The smaller headsails sheet to the top of the cabin and are led to the cabintop winch. The larger headsails and spinnakers sheet to the cockpit winches. Tweeker lines replace headsail tracks. The lifting keel is also operated with the cabintop winch.
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