Wednesday 20 June 2012

J Class racing in Falmouth,England

I have just been told of an event to be held while the 2012 Olympics is on in London, so if you get bored watching track and field events, head a little south and west to Falmouth.

Aerial St Mawes by Mary Alice (my thanks to Mary for the picture)

Hi Roy,

Have a look at this link. I was told about this by a customer just now on the phone, makes me wonder why we left such a lovely place but the people are a bit strange down there. Unless your great grand-dad was born there you remain what they call an Emmit, an outsider and are treated as such, far more than we would be living in SA. Still this may be of interest to you?

This was a mail sent in by a well known Royal Cape Yacht Club member, he sailed from Cape Town to Falmouth in Cornwall, England, by way of St Helena Island, Assencion Island, Brasil, most of the West Indies, the Azores, Gibralter, Spain and Portugal and they still call him names!
Emmit?? whats that about?

  1. Definition for emmit:

    Web definitions:
    Emmet is a disparaging nickname that some Cornish people use to refer to the many tourists who visit Cornwall..