The name is bound to change but the intent is clearly laid down in a straight line. We invite the HBYC and other club members with their more classic and wooden boat designs, to get out on the bay for a weekends fun.
The TBA regatta around 1996, we had prime space at the V and A Waterfront, this was not to last, in later years we were invited to use the inner harbour marina fingers.
The TBA regatta around 1996, we had prime space at the V and A Waterfront, this was not to last, in later years we were invited to use the inner harbour marina fingers.
When did you last see a South African yacht fleet dry out between the tides? this was great fun but I will admit some skippers were rather worried at the time.
The intention of the HBYC is to re discover the fun of a traditional fleet but this time in the waters of Hout Bay.
All pictures by Roy McBride using a Canon FT film camera.