Seen here off Kommetjie, a monster set of waves, just right for the brave and experienced surfer!
picture taken from the Kommetjie web site, many thanks. Click on the picture to see the full size and extent of this set of braking waves!
There is a yachting connection here, any yacht coming from the South, thats the Cape Point area and going to Hout Bay, will come very close to this set of braking waves. Make sure you stay a good few miles offshore so that you will miss them. The general area is marked by the Slangkop Lighthouse.
How hard can this be.

There is a yachting connection here, any yacht coming from the South, thats the Cape Point area and going to Hout Bay, will come very close to this set of braking waves. Make sure you stay a good few miles offshore so that you will miss them. The general area is marked by the Slangkop Lighthouse.
How hard can this be.