Click on this image for a magnificent full size photo,check out the attention to detail on the paint works where the Teal side paints join the roll over to the decks,its really the way to do this job.
CKD Boats very first kit ever cut is now being readied for launch.
Every company has a start,some morph from doing what what happening before,in many ways so did we,timber and boat works,mast building and new boat builds at times too.Then came a phone call from a local yacht designer,Dudley Dix www.dixdesign.com would I like to supply a set of CNC cut bulkheads to one of his new designs and for Malcolm who had requested the design,I was into a new direction of course and soon we cut a Didi 26 ,then two more Didi Mini Transats,then another,followed by designs from others and a name change from Commercial Lumber cc to CKD Boats cc,due in the main to timber sales being fast taken over by plywood and CNC kit related sales,it has not changed since then.
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