Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Building the St. Ayles skiff

Some months back we spoke about doing a kit based on a design that Jordan Boats in Scotland are busy with.We now have the basis that you can buy plans and a kit from CKD Boats cc if you are in our area of licence.
Some 93 sets of plans have now been sold, the class is growing world wide and looks like a great community type project, schools, villages, towns people are building them all over the place!

Hi Roy

Mail from Alec Jordan to this effect below.

Usually Alec@anything@jordanboats will get to me!
does the job just fine.

I will update my website - which is creaking badly - to the effect that you
can cut kits in SA. Please remember that Australia & NZ & Pacific and N
America are covered by the existing agents. That leaves you with Africa and
S America.

Best regards

Alec Jordan

Kits for Iain Oughtred Designs

Picture by the Bayfront Maritime Center.

This is not one of our kits as yet but the design could well be added to our list of designs if anyone wants one.

We did send a Didi Mini Transat kit to the BMC school some years back, they did a fine job of assembly too!
