These two boats are of a similar length but the Dean Cat 44 is at least double the volume of the Dix 43 alongside,which was able to manouver its larger partner around the harbour with comparitive ease,this was with an 18inch two bladed Max Prop which had been antifouled with Trilux nearly three years back,proof that the application really worked.

Flying Cloud,a Dix Design 'Dix 43' in ply/epoxy on the slip at the Royal Cape Yacht Club,Cape Town.While not from one of our kits,we can develop a kit to this design easy enough.
This boat is normally sliped every three years or so,thats very good progress from International Paints company,once was it was an annual event,one issue though has been growth on the Max Prop Propellor,even with a suitable application of primer and antifoul,sooner or later it allows barnacle growth and of course the fall off in performance under power drops.Discussing the matter with Tim,the local area manager of International Paints and our supplier,he recomended an aerosol application of an etch primer as an undercoating,then the application of an antifoul that is supplied for outboard legs and propellors.Would it work? here is what it looked like when applied and near three years later the boat performs great under power still.We carry stocks if required.
International Trilux Prop-O-Drev Antifouling Paint
Product Description Trilux Prop-O-Drev is a hard antifouling that is specially formulated for use on outdrives, outboard legs, propellers and sterngear. Aerosol spray is ideal for painting awkward shapes and difficult to reach areas Quick and easy application saves you time and effort Suitable for use on aluminium and stainless steel Application Details - Trilux Prop-O-Drev (U.K. & DK) Area Sterngear Finish/Sheen Matt Thinner: YTA600 Number of Coats: 3 minimum Available Shades: View colour chart and sales codes Pack sizes: 500 ml
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