About ten years ago,yes back in the last century,we started getting visitors from the local technikon college department of interior design, http://www.ctech.ac.za/ normally first year students and just starting out.We supplied then,as we do now,as much help and information of using our Superform ply and Flexiveneer ,as the student requires. Last year we had a visit from a student called Inga,she wanted to enter a competition for design that was to be hosted by the fashion magazine ELLE http://www.ellemagazine.co.za/ Inga had a suitable wall storage unit she had thought up,simply put,it looked like a four leaf clover and was to be displayed on a wall. Inga had nice drawings and even a sample made from cardboard but could she make it from our Superform bending plywood?
We discussed the various options,changed a few dimensions,she then went off to speak to Janet and Nigel at Digicut cnc cutting,for none boat related works, contact Nigel on 021 785 5892 on the phone/fax.
http://www.digicut.co.za/ who do all our CNC works,they in turn cut the demo unit out and assembled,it looked just great,so much so that Inga took second prize that year,so well done!
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