Tuesday 3 January 2012

That Mulholland hand plane

It amazes me the pure quality of some old hand tools,made long before we had such things as an electric drill or belt sander.Experts were forging bi metal steel blades,then matching them to castings which defy belief when we look closer.

Made in Belfast by J . Mulholland.

This small plane is the exact tool required to trim down a teak trim off a yachts opening hatch.The plane was made in Belfast,thats Northern Ireland,Great Britain,it will date back over 100 years and probably came to South Africa on a sailing ship with one of those who followed the Voortrekers,I wonder?

This was quite a delicate job,I had a think about what other tools and machines were available to me? Realising that a machine could well wreck the teak combing and its only glued up,I chose to do the job by hand. The required 5mm that needed taking off so the scribed frame will fit the opening took just a half hour.

How hard can this be?

It is stamped Belfast and has many makers marks,the same marks can be found on other parts of the tool,meaning this was a hand made and high quality item.

The number 245 was this planes identity,each part was crafted so that when assembled they would stay together,they were not just a pile of similar parts junked together.
The wedge or push handle is very expensive Lignum Vitae.

I love holding and using this plane,size wise you can use it with one or two hands,it works either way.The ultra low blade angle means it will cut super fine and long and cross grains are not an issue,just what this job required.

Progress,what happened?


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