Monday, 14 March 2011

Servicing the Autohelm 4000 drive unit

The user manual tells us they are lubricated for life,what that life was expected to be I can not guess but a decade and more on,we need to at least clean it out and lubricate with a light oil,Fluid Film comes to mind and thats what I am using.

The later model had an Autohelm logo on the drive case,the end cap was changed too.

The back face,which in practice points forwards,if you fit this face to the rear there is a simple switch on the control unit to reverse.

When opened this is whats inside,there is no way this lot is service free,I would open it and clean it out at least once per season,a light oiling on the moving parts must be a good idea but not on the drive belt or drive gear cog.

This is the drive gear,the setting of which is fixed,its the round wheels that provide adjustment,this is said not to be easy on the early units?


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