The issue on a boat of a decent SSB ground plate always causes discussion,I can only advise what has worked on my own boats and worked very well,the basics are a decent radio of course,then a copper foil to ground it with (not a wire) you then link up to various things that will help the cause,steel tanks and the engine are a good start.In my case I have always had a copper plate with a large slab anode fastened to it,not so neat but it works very well and as the engine is connected to the anode,I have never ever had any worry with corrosion in the engine,so its working two ways in my case.I have just added an upgrade in a dynaplate,thats the bright yellow slab next to the anode you can see,its a mass of bronze balls sintered together to make a connected mass,but not solid,you can blow air through it,the size you see is said to equall five (5) square meters of ground plane,I should have a very good set up now!
Inside the boat,one of two mounting bolts on the dynaplate,the brass shim foil goes to the anode stud which is out of sight under the pipe work,the anode stud already has a 3" (75mm) copper foil ground strip in place.Why the brass strip? I have run out of copper but have brass shim stock,its the same thickness so I used that.

The copper plate is about 550mm x 550mm,it will get some growth on it but not much.
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