Tony,a visiting Australian yachtsman and world cruiser, is full of smiles after installing his new Watchmate AIS by Vesper Marine,we did a direct import for Tony,he supplied his yachts registration and required MMSI number and Vesper Marine did the pre programing at their factory,you can program yourself if required.
The local magazine Sailing has a feature on AIS in their January issue,its in two parts,this one is four pages long,Ausi Bray tested Watchmate,NASA,SR161 (new to me) and Winradio G305e,which needs a plotter.
There were two tests in different locations,NASA was excluded from both sets of results due to a fault?
Tests were done in Australia.
Test one in Botany Bay gave a result as below.
SR161 42%
Watchmate 94%
Winradio 32%
Test two in Careel Bay
SR161 54%
Watchmate 100%
Its probably a bit simplistic to only view the final percentage but very interesting all the same.
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