The internal mesh cone that supports the black foam air filter membrane,I advise this is retained even if you do not fit a new filter?
No not Carlos Santanas great music,rather black spots of oil coming out of the exhaust on our Yanamar GM10 genset diesel engine,it needs to run at around 3000 rpm to get the right voltage reading,so its doing a bit of work and runs at a good temprature,recently I noticed black spots on the surface of the water around the exhaust exit,for sure a sign of injector troubles,except I fitted a new one about 200hours back,so now what? This had happened twice now so very much a worry for me,then on running the engine a third time,no black spots,why?
I decided to check the engines air filter and see if it was blocked,it was not,it was missing! on the Yanmar GM10 the filter,is just a bit of thin black foam mounted on to a cone of metal mesh,the air box is clad inside with a thick felt about 6mm thick,I think both are more a sound sheild than an air filter,in my case with the engine tucked out of the way and under the floor,no air filter is required but that cone should be refitted to stop ingress of any rag,or even the sound deadening in the filter housing.
What was happening was as the foam fell apart,it went into the engine,was part cooked then thrown out of the exhaust,hence the black spots,this is a new one to me!I can imagine this has happened before?
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