We have seen a turn of interest for our smallest dinghy kit,the Dixi Dinghy,before it was either the larger Argie 10 of Argie 15 design,I expect costs are the issue and folk are accepting a smaller design and saving money at the same time,our prices are also down by around 30% due to the stronger Rand currency,so imports of raw materials are cheaper for us to buy.
The first of the two designs, the DIXI DINGHY, was commissioned as a sailing yacht tender for very simple construction in stitch and glue plywood. As a rowing/powered boat, all hull panels can be cut from two sheets of 6mm (1/4") plywood, including forming bouyancy compartments fore and aft. Additional plywood is required to make up the rudder and daggerboard. The rig is free standing, supported at keel and bow thwart and is easily stepped. The mast is in two interlocking pieces and the sail is sleeve luffed and loose footed. All rig parts stow within the hull.
As a sailing fun boat she is highly manoeuvreable and nippy with an adult or two children. As a tender she will comfortably carry four adults and gear in calm water. Load capacity will vary with water conditions.
Dixi Dinghy
Stitch & Glue Plywood
6mm [1/4"] Marine plywood
Sheet 1220x2440mm [4'x8'] - 2
Piece 210x350mm - 2
12mm [½"] Marine plywood
Piece 170x850mm - 1
19mm [3/4"] Marine plywood
Piece 300x810mm - 1
Piece 140x360mm - 1
Timber framing etc (Meranti, Mahogany, Douglas Fir etc)
8x30mm [5/16"x1½"] - 6 of 2.7m [6 of 9']
13x20mm [33/64"x3/4"] - 8m [25']
15x15mm [5/8"x5/8"] - 5m [16']
20x30mm [3/4"x1 1/4"] - 1m [3']
20x40mm [3/4"x1½"] - 8m [25']
20x50mm [3/4"x2"] - 0.5m [2']
50mm [2"] Fibreglass tape - 25m [85']
1.5mm Diam [.06"] Copper wire - 15m [50']
Screws,200 posidrive screws
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